Our Team
Evelyn Powers Executive Director
The Interstate Environmental Commission (IEC) named Evelyn Powers to the position of Executive Director in September 2017. Evelyn has been on the Commission staff for twenty years, originally joining the staff in 1998 as an Environmental Chemist. Evelyn has served as an Environmental Chemist, Senior Environmental Chemist, Associate Laboratory Director and Senior Manager. Evelyn oversees all aspects of the Commission’s day-to-day operations, including overseeing staff and coordinating IEC’s water quality activities with IEC’s member states, the EPA, regional and local partners. Evelyn prepares and submits applications, workplans, budgets and progress reports in support of grant-funded projects and pursues new sources of funding for projects. Evelyn serves as IEC’s Lead Technical Director, ensuring the Commission’s laboratory maintains accreditation in the National Environmental Laboratory Approval Program—through the NYSDOH Environmental Laboratory Approval Program and NJDEP’s Environmental Laboratory Certification Program—and also maintains the Commission laboratory’s status as an approved environmental laboratory with the Connecticut Department of Public Health. Evelyn approves Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) on behalf of the Commission and ensures all environmental data collection activities performed by the Commission are performed in accordance with a QAPP approved by IEC, EPA and other organizations, as appropriate. Evelyn serves as point-of-contact for the IEC Chair, IEC Executive Committee, and Commissioners, coordinating quarterly Commission meetings and Executive Committee calls, as necessary. Evelyn also serves as IEC’s representative on the Management Committees of regional programs including the NY-NJ Harbor and Estuary Program, the Long Island Sound Study, the New Jersey Water Monitoring Council, and related committees and workgroups, as appropriate. Evelyn earned a B.A. in Biological Sciences from Wellesley College and an M.S. in Environmental Science from the College of Staten Island (City University of New York).