NJDEP Harbor Monitoring Program

NJDEP Harbor Monitoring Program

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Since 2021, IEC has been collecting water quality data through the NJDEP/IEC Harbor Monitoring Program in order to inform water quality classification decisions on behalf of the NJDEP Division of Water Monitoring & Standards. NJDEP uses classifications based on a series of water quality parameters to assign usage to its bodies of water (NJDEP Water Quality Standards). As many of these waters have not been assessed since 1985, IEC was contracted to perform ongoing testing and report the data in order for NJDEP to determine whether any water classifications need to be updated. In addition, NJDEP wants to develop a Harbor eutrophication model to better evaluate dissolved oxygen concentrations and understand various potential impacts to concentrations.

New York New Jersey Discrete Monitoring Site Locations Map


As of 2024, this program includes 29 sites (see below). During the recreational season (May-September), these sites are monitored weekly for in-situ routine water quality standards using a YSI multiparameter sonde and samples are collected and brought back to the IEC lab to be analyzed for turbidity and bacteria. In addition, monthly samples are collected to be analyzed for nutrients, and quarterly samples are brought to NJDEP/NJDOH laboratories to be analyzed for metals and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). During the off-season (October-April), testing is reduced to monthly for bacteria, turbidity, and in-situ parameters, and nutrients and metals remain on the same schedule. See full list of parameters below. At the end of each year, this data is compiled, checked for quality, and uploaded to WQX.



  • In-situ: Temperature (°C), Salinity (ppt), Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L and % saturation), pH (SU), Chlorophyll a (μg/L)
  • Field Observations: Secchi Disk Depth, Tide Stage, Rainfall (24 and 48 hr)
  • Lab Analysis: 
    • Microbiology: Enterococcus, Escherichia Coli*, Fecal Coliform
    • Nutrients: Orthophosphates*, Total Phosphorus, Ammonia, Nitrate+Nitrite, Total Nitrogen
    • Turbidity
  • NJDEP/NJDOH Lab Analysis:
    • Dissolved Organic Carbon
    • Metals*: Silver (Ag), Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr-T), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Manganese (Mn), Nickel (Ni), Selenium (Se), Zinc (Zn), Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+), Trace Mercury (Hg)

*=analyzed at selected sites


Future Work:

IEC analysts are currently working to get 4 continuous monitoring sondes set up in Arthur Kill, Upper Hackensack River, Lower Hackensack River, and near the mouth of the Passaic River. This will provide constant data for all in-situ measurements, giving a much more precise understanding of water quality at these sites.