Short Notice Monitoring
IEC has the capability to perform short-notice inspections—sampling, monitoring, and analyses— in response to regional environmental emergencies, concerns, or natural disasters under an EPA-approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). In the past, IEC has assisted local environmental agencies with microbiological analyses to determine environmental impacts after natural or manmade events, investigated elevated pathogen levels in local waterways such as Sparkill Creek at the request of NYSDEC, Coney Island Creek at the request of concerned citizens, and assessed pathogen concentrations across transects of the upper East River at the request of EPA Region 2. Most recently, in 2023, IEC partnered with NYSDEC on a short-notice project assessing water quality at a school being used as a migrant shelter in order to ensure the water's safety.
IEC’s ability to mobilize and perform sampling and associated analyses quickly at the request of local, state and federal agencies makes IEC a valuable resource in times of need.

Harlem River sampling

Sampling on Sparkill Creek at Old Drawbridge

Coney Island Creek