Our Staff

Samantha Wilder
Environmental Analyst
Samantha joined IEC as a seasonal intern in May 2021 following the completion of her B.S. and was promoted to Environmental Analyst in February 2022. She currently serves as the project manager for the Western Long Island Sound Monitoring Program and coordinates IEC's participation in Save the Sound's Unified Water Study. Samantha participates in boat-based surveys to collect physical samples for analysis and measure in-situ water quality data with a YSI EXO1 across the western Long Island Sound and its embayments. She also assists with sampling preparation, filtration, and analyses of total suspended solids and chlorophyll-a, in addition to data entry and office work in the laboratory. Additionally, she works with New York sampling groups involved in the Long Island Sound Fecal Indicator Bacteria Monitoring Network with Harbor Watch and CTDEEP. Samantha earned her B.S. in Sustainability Studies with a minor in Geography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from Hofstra University in 2021, focusing on community involvement in minimizing coastal pollution primarily through beach cleanups during her studies. She is currently pursuing a M.A. in Marine Conservation & Policy from Stony Brook University.