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Hypoxia in Far Western Long Island Sound and Upper East River - 2014
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The Interstate Environmental Commission District (IEC District) has monitored the westernmost portion of the Western Long Island Sound Basin each year since 1991. Targeted water quality surveys are completed between June and September to document the transition of waters into and out of a state of hypoxia. This collaborative program is performed in support of the National Estuary Program’s Long Island Sound Study (LISS;

Publication Center
Hypoxia In Western Long Island Sound And Upper East River
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The New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) is a not-for-profit interstate agency established by an Act of Congress in 1947 (

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Hypoxia In Western Long Island Sound And Upper East River
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Publication Center
Newark Report: Implementation and Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Green Infrastructure Technology in Newark, NJ. Presentation: Low Impact Development Symposium September 28, 2011
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This report summarizes work performed by eDesign Dynamics (EDD) in collaboration with the Interstate Environmental Commission (IEC) through a grant administered by New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission and funded by the US EPA. The project title is “Implementation and Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Green Infrastructure Technology in Newark, NJ.” Its purpose is to assess the effectiveness of green infrastructure (GI) technologies, (also known as low impact development (LID) technologies) at reducing urban runoff.

Publication Center
Hypoxia in Western Long Island Sound and Upper East River
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The Interstate Environmental Commission (IEC) is a tri-state water and air pollution control agency serving the Sates of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut ( Established in 1936, the IEC is the oldest regulatory and enforcement agency in the region. The Commission's programs and activities reach far beyond its environmental mandates and date back to a time before state and national environment entities were established.

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IEC’s 2010 Integrated Report
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By April first of even numbered years, states, tribes, and interstate commissions must submit an Integrated Report to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) satisfying the requirements of both sections 305(b) and 303(d) of the clean water Act (CWA). Section 305 (b) provide for the protection and propagation of a balanced population of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and allow recreational activities in and on them.

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Blending Report: A joint project between IEC and EPA’s Office of Research and Development to determine the microbiological impact of blending prior to disinfection.
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This research project was administered by the EPA Office of Research and Development and funded by Office of Water; Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation; and Office of Research and Development.

Publication Center
Impact of Summer Ambient Temperatures on Elevated Levels, Persistence and Regrowth of the Enterococcus Indicator Bacteria at the Silver Sands State Park Beach in Milford, CT
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In the summer of 2007, the Interstate Environmental Commission (IEC) conducted a study funded by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CT DEP) Long Island Sound Fund program. The purpose of the project was to analyze localized conditions contributing to high concentrations of indicator bacteria that have caused and may cause additional beach closures in the Long Island Sound coastal area. The study area, Silver Sands State Park in Milford, Connecticut, includes two creeks, Great Creek and Fletcher Creek, both emptying into the Long Island Sound.

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Organization & Regulations
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This pamphlet contains a collection of the laws under which the Interstate Environmental Commission functions. It includes an edited Tri-State Compact to show presently operative provisions, the Water Quality Regulations, and the supplemental statutes governing the Commission’s air pollution program.
A few of the provisions are summarized because their full texts contain much material which was important to the original organization of the Commission but is now obsolete.