2024 State Summaries

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IEC’s annual “State Summaries” are now published, providing an overview of the organization’s work and impact in the three states in its environmental district throughout the fiscal year 2023-2024. In addition to water quality programs, collaborative activities are shared, including workgroups and committees, public education and outreach.

Western Long Island Sound Hypoxia in Summer 2024- Time-Lapse Videos

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Check out these summer 2024 time-lapse videos depicting dissolved oxygen levels in the western Long Island Sound! These visualizations were developed using surface (1 meter depth) and bottom (1 meter above sediment) dissolved oxygen measurements taken by IEC during our weekly water quality surveys in summer 2024. Low or depleted dissolved oxygen levels in a waterbody is referred to as hypoxia. Hypoxia can result in significant adverse effects on marine life and habitats, which need sufficient dissolved oxygen (>5.00mg/L) to survive and thrive.

Western Long Island Sound Hypoxia in Summer 2023 Time-Lapse Videos

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Check out these time-lapse videos depicting dissolved oxygen levels in western Long Island Sound! These visualizations were developed using dissolved oxygen measurements taken by IEC during weekly #waterquality surveys in summer 2023. Discrete (individual) dissolved oxygen measurement were interpolated using GIS to estimate dissolved oxygen in areas surrounding the discrete measurements.  Dissolved oxygen maps from each weekly survey were then collated into these time-lapse videos.

Western Long Island Sound Hypoxia in Summer 2022 Time-Lapse Videos

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Check out these time-lapse videos depicting the onset (and subsequent dissipation) of #hypoxia in western Long Island Sound! These visualizations were developed using dissolved oxygen measurements taken by IEC during weekly #waterquality surveys in summer 2022. Discrete (individual) dissolved oxygen measurement were interpolated using GIS to estimate dissolved oxygen in areas surrounding the discrete measurements. The dissolved oxygen maps from each weekly survey were then collated into these time-lapse videos.

IEC and BioBAT are seeking proposals for lab and office development

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BioBAT, Inc. (www.biobat.nyc) and the Interstate Environmental Commission seek proposals from qualified general contractors to build and fit-out 2,800 square feet of BSL-2 laboratory and office space.  BioBAT, as landlord, and IEC, as tenant, are negotiating a lease on the second floor of BioBAT in Building A at the Brooklyn Army Terminal.

Key Dates:

IEC Resumes Long Island Sound Monitoring!

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On Tuesday, June 30th, IEC resumed monitoring surveys in Far Western Long Island Sound, after a two-month hiatus due to COVID-19. These surveys monitor dissolved oxygen, as well as parameters that may impact dissolved oxygen at 22 stations in support of the Long Island Sound Water Quality Monitoring Program.  IEC performs monitoring surveys weekly during the critical summer season, when hypoxia is most prevalent. Weekly surveys will continue through mid-September.

New! Follow us on Social Media!

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We’re in! Yes, IEC has finally taken the plunge into social media and we are not turning back! Please follow us, share and like our posts to spread the word and get updates on IEC’s work and the work of our partners in the shared waters of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

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